Madagascar : Chutes d'eau de la rivière Lily, Odile Chapuis,

The Centre d'Information Scientifique et Technique Regards is the documentation service of the Passages research laboratory (UMR 5319 CNRS; Université Bordeaux Montaigne; Université de Bordeaux; UPPA; EnsapBx).

Initiated in 1968, the documentary collection of the Regards center covers the following fields : geography, planning, development, environment, health and society. The photographic collections are made up of the field photographs of the geographers who have succeeded one another in the laboratory.


The collections of the Regards map and photo library (14,000 maps, 215 satellite images, 22,000 aerial photographs, 18,000 lides) are gradually being documented and made available on this open archive as well as via the Navigae spatialized data search and visualization platform :

Contact : centre-ist-regards[at]




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