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4 résultats
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The Geoarchaeological Investigation Dry core drilling at Chanhu-Daro

Danish Ahmed Sheik , Safraz Ali Solangi , Syed Faraz Ali , Aurore Didier
Vidéo hal-04696061v1
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New insights on Urbanism and Architecture of the Early Centuries to the Indus Valley Civilisation

Aurore Didier , David Sarmiento Castillo , Pascal Mongne , Alexandre Houdas , Gonzague Quivron
Vidéo hal-04160705v1
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Margareta Tengberg floating process at Chanhu Daro, Sindh - Pakistan

Danish Ahmed Sheik , Margareta Tengberg , Pascal Mongne
Vidéo hal-04653994v1
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Unveiling Chanhu Daro: Archaeological Discoveries with Dr. Aurore Didier

Danish Ahmed Sheik , Aurore Didier
Vidéo hal-04653928v1