Welcome to the open archive of field frames about languages and civilisations with oral tradition
Presentation :
The LACITO (Languages and Civilizations with Oral Tradition) is CNRS Mixed Research Unit (UMR 7107) whose university supervisors are the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 and INALCO.
This multidisciplinary research laboratory (linguistics and anthropology) is dedicated to the description, documentation and analysis of languages with an oral tradition on the planet. Our research is based on field surveys in various linguistic and cultural areas.
In addition to language documentation and grammatical description, our specialties include historical linguistics, lexicography, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, oral literature and cultural diversity. More than 226 languages are currently studied in the unit.
Fieldwork is also the source of the great wealth of the laboratory, namely the mass of ethnological, musical and linguistic data recorded on different media: field notebooks, disks, films, magnetic media (analog or digital), sound and video. These corpuses are digitized, processed, archived and disseminated in the Pangloss collection and via Huma-num (Cocoon)
This online publication of the scientific iconographies of the field notebooks of the researchers, allows a development and a free access to the works, documentary funds of the languages in danger studied within the civilizations with oral tradition. This perennial scientific tool thus favors the sharing with a larger number of public and facilitates the interaction with other funds of the same nature.
Balthazar Do Nascimento - balthazar.donascimento[at]cnrs.fr
Archive created and managed on the MEDIHAL platform of CCSD